Yasin Fallah Tafty

Software Engineer & DevOps Enthusiasm


Tehran, Iran


Briefly About Me

Generally a Pythoneer | CS (Computer Science) Master student of Shahid Beheshti University
Since 2019 I have been practicing Software Engineering, in multiple organizations; experienced & comfortable interacting with git, Docker, Linux, Bash Scripts, gRPC, Flask, Selenium, Appium, Django & et cetera. My most outstanding features are a very high learning curve & fast adoption (into tools, situations & persons); also it came to my attention that I have a huge appetite for learning unknowns & challenging myself in the area of those unknowns; kinda obsessed (not in a bad way of course) with trying to operate better, faster & easier, at every chance! It makes me sad to redo a can-be-automated task (not limited to tech-related activities).
It's harmless to mention that there are some other fields that I admire & have an interest in; DevOps is my favorite field to grow in at the moment by far (throughout my activities from 2019, sometimes there were some DevOps tasks needed to be done on-demand & always I was the one to volunteer, due to my abilities to get well done unseen-before tasks; so that's were my passion comes from); and off the road artificial Intelligence, Data Science, ML, DL & NN.

Related Work Experience


Promotion: Software Engineer, Senior + DevOps Engineer, Middle (Team Lead)

Mar 2022 - Aug 2022

*structure: - Responsibility > Achievement

- Configure & maintain GitLab CI (pipelines & various kinds of runners) > Optimized CI by the transition from fully-mesh pipelines into minimized ones which iclude fine-grained shared jobs instead of some big pile of bash scripts by figuring out the tiniest details about single jobs & their dependencies & structures resulting in reduce of job average wait time by over 5x & execution time by 3x

> As continuing previous responsibilities, I was responsible for maintaining & keeping up & updated services, tuning infrastructure resources & so on SysAdmin necessities...

Software Engineer, Middle + DevOps Engineer, Junior

Jan 2021 - Feb 2022

- Develop & customize web & android app test services using Selenium & Appium on top of Docker containers (microservice arch) > Automated development of such-a services which lead to reducing the time & complexity of Nahanet's app development by 80% (from about one app per week to one per day)
- Migrate the whole desk of services as GitLab, Nexus, various types of registries like Docker (also apt, pip, Bazel cache) & others from deprecated-structured resources to the new ones > Transferred over a course of 3 months step by step with almost zero downtime while providing availability & consistency to a staff of about 30 developers in 3 different department with dedicated kind of services & schedule for each

Python, git, Bash Scripting, gRPC, Linux SysAdmin

> I was interviewed & hired as a Software Engineer; and due to a lack of workforce in the DevOps department (2 Senior DevOps Engineers departure (a team of 3 in total)), I volunteered to take a huge chunk of DevOps responsibilities on my shoulders, too. and after some time, begin to like it.

Narvan Ventures

Software Engineer, Junior

July 2020 - Dec 2020

Engineered a Big Data service by the mean of Docker (receiving 10k messages per second) | Consuming live raw data from a wide range of public & private APIs & private queues (RabbitMQ), real-time validating of that data & feeding it to Elastic storage & Redis memory & finally serving fully-structured data frames into other teams through gRPC live stream capabilities (as a base data-ready system, reduce data cleaning time by over 90% across the organization; transfering data parsing as a part-of-request-procees for each product into a prior data pipeline for all products)

Python, git, Bash Scripting, Linux, Parallel Computing

Alibaba Travels Co.

Software Engineer, Intern (Internship Academy)

Oct 2019 - May 2020

Implemented a Bitly alternative service | Created Two different library management systems with .Net & yhttp frameworks | Explored about Test frameworks like UnitTest & Pytest, different database systems like PostgreSQL & various software engineering concepts & backend architecture

Python, git, Bash Scripting, Flask, Linux, Docker

Other Notable Activities & Volunteerings

Co-founding Hirbod: First Native PostgreSQL Query Judge Platform

Built a Flask product, backed by isolated PostgreSQL containers responsible for handling queries in order to provide desirable results

The Linux Foundation K8S Certificate

Recently completed the course by the Linux Foundation: Introduction to Kubernetes (unfortunately in relation to the kind of businesses my previous companies participated in, neither of them derived a benefit from Kubernetes' enormous features & community, so I had to self-learned it)

Formed An AI Chatbot

Accelerated extension of a Persian AI chatbot by integrating raw user-defined models with available online models (from hazm, parsivar & nltk to increase accuracy percentage) | Take advantage of related libraries for casual & daily purposes (pandas, matplotlib, scikit-learn & tensorflow)

Computer Teaching at Rah-e-Roshd Educational Complex

It was a big challenge! Supervised about 15, 12 years old energetic boys (hard to even communicate with even on a daily basis) | Finally aligned & presented them with how to learn as newbies & take advantage of their passion in a positive manner | Also unlocked unknowns about how to interact with young people while enjoying it


CS Bachelor (Computer Science): Amirkabir University of Technology - Tehran Polytechnic

Sep 2017 - July 2022

Teacher Assistant Experiences:

Database course by Dr. Amin Gheibi

spring semester 2020

Operating Systems course by Dr. Hossein Nourikhah

spring semester 2020

Java Advanced Programming course by Dr. Saeed Shiry Ghidary

autumn semester 2019




Music: Any Sound That Feels Right :)

Environment (City, Nature, Buildings, ...) Exploring